Eucalyptus in Giza
An ordinary scene in a backward place
Where no one important ever looked
The Ganga-Brahmaputra plain is rich with alluvial soil.
The soil is suitable for cultivating rice, wheat and sugarcane.
The black soil is found in the Deccan..
Wonder what kind of soil this is?
Doesn’t look rich in anything
but certainly looks suitable for these Eucalyptus trees.
The summer breeze..
These cones and pines from the tree.
They don’t have any calorific value. Do they?
The cones look like the Sorting Hat.
I should stack them up.
Let me build a pyramid from these cones.
Oh the Pyramids, what a mighty undertaking.
How did they manage to get the rocks so high up?
Did Eucalyptus trees grow in Giza?
Probably not. It is a desert out there.
But then there is the river Nile.
Eucalyptus definitely smells nice.
Weren’t the mummies preserved with scents?
Eucalyptus surely must have been in the list.
I am gonna play the shit out of Age of Empires
When I get back home.
There! That’s the fifth stack of cones.
Lo and behold the next wonder of the world!
The Great Pyramids of..
Another wave of the summer breeze
The wonder comes down crashing!
So does my chain of thoughts.
Back to Geography now.
The delta of Godavari is known as the rice bowl of India..